Whole school

My feelings about returning to school
A worksheet to post on your Online Learning Platform about returning to school and to allow children to think about how they are feeling.

The Grinch Who Stole Christmas Script
The Story of the Grinch Who Stole Christmas split into 80 narration parts suitable for performing in ‘bubbles’. Also includes some suggestions for Makaton signs for schools where singing is not recommended.

KS2 Christmas Assembly
Full script and song ideas for a KS2 Christmas production/ assembly. The assembly focuses on Christmas traditions around the world. I do not have the rights to songs so these are not provided sorry !

Koala Visual Timetable
Hand designed and drawn Koala themed visual timetable. Most suited to a KS1 class to stick in the classroom and show what is happening in the day. Includes; phonics, English, maths, science, circle time, geography, history, story time, golden time, assembly, music. recorders, handwriting, reading, D.T. art, P.E, register, lunch and break. Hope you like them! They took a very long time!